Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter Twenty-two

On page 179 Janey thinks to herself that "Glendale did not yet feel like home," but "Flagstaff wasn't home anymore, either.  Not with without Mommy and Poppy there."  What and where will ever feel like home to Janey?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapter Twenty-one

YoYo's actions and reactions at the end of this chapter seem to signal a change in her.  How did you interpret the things she did and said?

Chapter Twenty-one

Using context clues, what do you think "abashed" means on page 174?

Chapter Twenty-one

Why do you think Mrs. Sandor's insurance company fears a jury hearing the case? (p. 174)

Chpater Twenty

Why do you think Janey sees the relationship with Aunt Baby as a conflict, as "a battle for YoYo," as if there has to be a winner and a loser?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chapter Nineteen

What is your understanding of what Dr. Vilner thinks -- as she explained to Aunt Baby -- is going on with YoYo and Janey?

Chapter Nineteen

What do you think about Janey staying on the phone while Aunt Baby and Dr. Vilner had their conversation?

Chapter Eighteen

With whom do you side in their argument -- Janey or Aunt Baby -- and why?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Chapter Seventeen

What was your reaction when Aunt Baby said, "Well, Mommy doesn't have a vote anymore, does she?"

Chapter Seventeen

Why do you think Janey continues to emphasize, and try to enforce, the rules that her mother had for YoYo and herself?

Chapter Sixteen

Have you ever been in a situation where an adult behaves in a way you had never seen before?  If so, what happened and how did it help you to understand Janey's confusion regarding Grandpa's behavior?  Why do you think she did not do anything?

Chapter Sixteen

Why is Janey vexed (click on word for definition) that Ramona and Stacy could have a fight?